

After watching P-Rod's first battle with Kelly Hart, I am almost certain that the overall battle is going to come down between Cole and P-Rod. P-Rod's kickflips, fakie flips, switch flips, nollie flips, tre flips, swich tre flips, varial heels, and switch varial heels are definitely on lockdown. And Hart's performance can only mean two things: Either some skaters are just not consistent, or P-Rod is just that damn good.


Brazil Takes Over

I cannot help but realize that some of today's best skaters are from Brazil. Is it something in the water that their drinking? I can't even comprehend that skateboarding would even be big in Brazil. Well it is, skateboarding is a fucking phenomenon in Brazil. After a little research, I found out that there was an estimated 3 million skaters in 2003, according to Datafoha, an institute research center in Brazil. Who knows how much that number has increased in the last six years? And the majority of these skaters are hailing from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

I want to present to you two skaters that are about to blow up:

FELIPE GUSTAVO - I don't even know how I discovered this kid? I think I found him while browsing the videos on the Silver website, which is one of his sponsors. He's also flow for Plan B and eS. But I'll bet anyone that both Plan B and eS puts him on their am teams within the next year, maybe even within the next few months. He's goofy footed but amazing at switch and he's a damn good tech skater also. Some other interesting facts: He won Tampa Am in '07 and he won the Am Street at this year's Maloof Cup, which just occurred last week.

Felipe Gustavo...

Luan Oliveira - Like most of you, I discovered Luan on The Berrics site with his "Bangin" part. When I watched his "Bangin" part, I swore everything he did couldn't be real. I sear I thought he was some kind of robot. I now watch his part on The Berrics religiously, all the combos and tricks he does, well let's just say that I have never seen any other skater like him before. Better yet, I have never seen any other skater even try the tricks he did.

- Fakie 5-0, half cab flip out
- Switch bigspin heel
- Tre flip noseslide, nollie front side shuv out
- Switch tail, switch 270 frontside heel out
- Fakie tre flip to switch manual, tre flip out


Nike Commercial for P-Rod 3's

Nike just released this new commercial in celebration for the new P-Rod 3's. What's so great about this commercial? My favorites are the Theotis Beasley cameo, Ice Cube's "It Was A Good Day," Ice Cube's face expression after he runs over P-Rod's board, and of course....P-Rod's switch tre flip down the Santa Monica triple set. Ridiculous.

Skateboarding: Progression In The Last Decade

Approximately 10 years ago, circa 1998, skateboarding erupted as a new phenomenon for my generation. I discovered a new passion with videos such as "The End," "Welcome To Hell," "Mouse," and "Fulfill The Dream." And so did many other kids who soon took up skateboarding like it was a new drug addiction. What's unique about this phenomenon is the fact that magazines and videos were able to make a skater feel as if they were in their own world. Watching infamous video parts, such as Reynolds in "The End" or Thomas in Toy Machine's "Welcome To Hell," only hyped you up to immediately grab your skateboard and head for the door.

I soon quit skateboarding because the passion was no longer there, or maybe I was just being ignorant? Now, ten years later, skateboarding has definitely become even a bigger phenomenon. Tricks and combos are becoming more sophisticated and ridiculous. And today's talent, well lets' just say that most of them are half my age. Skateboarding can also earn you a legitimate salary, if you have what it takes that is. Ryan Sheckler made an estimated $5.2 million in 2008. That same year, Paul Rodriguez won $100,000.00 from one contest alone. And now, multi million dollar companies such as Nike and Gatorade have taken part in the sport of skateboarding.

Today, skateboarding is ridiculous. And it's only becoming more ridiculous as time goes on. How young can the talent get? And how sophisticated can ledge tricks get....